Home & Auto Insurance Rates Are On The Rise In 2023
Why home and auto insurance rates are continuing to rise in 2023 Thanks to an unusual convergence of market trends, ushered in by the pandemic and…

Understanding Liquor Liability & How To Avoid Claims
Having an in-depth understanding of liquor liability is one of the ways of gaining tips on how to avoid claims. The salient factor about such…

What Is Personal Liability Insurance?
Lawsuits have become so common nowadays. Minor accidents like a guest stripping off the stairs in your house can land you in court. Sadly,…

Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost Homeowners Insurance
According to past research conducted by insurance.com, almost half of the homeowners don't know how to differentiate between actual cash value and…

Implications of a General Liability Audit on Small Business
The What & Why You Received An Audit Business conditions are liable to a multitude of changes that might impact the growth of a business. Small…

Hurricanes, Floods, Losses O’ My!
Hurricane & Flood Losses In the insurance world, a catastrophe refers to an event in which insurers anticipate claims of at least $25…

Boat, Motorcycle, & ATV Safety Tips
Pleasant spring, summer and fall weather entices many to enjoy the outdoors by land or water. Millions own ATVs, motorcycles or boats. However,…

Identity Theft Prevention
Don't Be A Statistic Of Identity Theft The thought of someone gaining unauthorized access to your most sensitive information might send shivers down…

Cyber Liability
Cyber liability in the recent past has become a common term to many. This term can be defined as the risk that an individual is exposed to when…

Home Inventory
Can you list everything you own from memory? Didn't think so. One of our favorite sayings is: “Home is where the heart is.” That saying rings…

Boating Season Has Arrived
It’s Boating Season At the beginning of every summer here in Arizona, our team gets calls from customers after a fun weekend on the water takes a…

Short Term Vacation Rentals Are On The Rise & Are You Covered?
Short term vacation rentals are on the rise and for many homeowners looking to rent their property they assume their current homeowners insurance…

The Hazards of Monsoon Season In Arizona
Don't Get Caught Unprepared! While some parts of the U.S. deal with catastrophic hurricanes and tornadoes this time a year, we deal with massive…

Distracted Driver
Avoiding Distractions While Driving Could Save Your Life You've seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them. And you could be one…

Seven Shopping Strategies For New Car Buyers
New car shopping can be a lot of fun, especially if you’re a car enthusiast. But others can find the experience stressful and tedious. Either way,…

Arizona Wildfires
Arizona is a beautiful state that enjoys a unique set of seasons, cool winters, no fall, and sweltering hot summers. This summer alone we've seen 19…

Captive Agent vs Independent Agent – Is there a difference?
Many people consult an insurance agent or broker for their car insurance needs, and for good reason: agents can help you navigate the complicated…

Eight Tips For The Road Ahead
Be Safe, Be Smart On A Long-Distance Road Trip Whether you’re traveling alone, with a buddy or with your spouse and a car full of kids, there are…

What Makes A House A Home
There’s a popular saying that goes like this: “Home is where the heart is.” That saying rings true for many who find “home” a safe haven…

Sweet Ride! Are You Covered?
Have a tricked out ride? Many of us like to personalize our vehicles but for some of us riding in style is the only way to roll. Vehicle bling has…

Switch and Save 15% or More
Switch today and save hundreds on your car insurance! In today's society it's not easy living a decent life and juggling the bills so naturally…